Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Haha Subway Train

"Gosh, no-one is saying anything to anyone in here.  This thing feels so dead.  It's probably like this in the other cars, too..."

"Hahaha okay, so what if we were all just sitting here, right?  We're all just sitting here, no-one is saying anything and most people are barely even making eye contact; some people are even falling asleep while others just lazily look down at the floor.  We're all just sitting here thinking about where we're going or whatever, and what if all of a sudden the car we're in just totally exploded and a wave of fire rolled in throughout the car, covering everyone?  So like we're all just sitting here, being completely idle and doing absolutely nothing and then in the blink of an eye, everything blows up and catches aflame-- everyone is screaming and burning, instantaneously everyone is on fire and waving their arms around and so completely active and the screeching and exploding sounds are all around us and the transition is so immediate that we don't even have time to prepare for it by moving to look like we aren't completely lifeless and idle!  Wouldn't that be funny?"

"That's pretty sick, man.  But gosh, I sure am bored."

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