Thursday, May 5, 2011

Empathy/Hypocrisy (Primer)

One of the things I’ve noticed that this life seems to do is to regularly, repeatedly put us on the receiving end of criticisms we’ve given others in the past, perhaps of behaviors or mentalities that we’ve previously railed against.  Like for every time you’ve turned a deaf ear or a cold shoulder or cast a judgmental glare at someone who’s done ___________, or had ___________ happen to them, life might force you to experience ____________ firsthand and then leave you to pick up the pieces, to attempt to garner help from the experience; it’s like a massive, interconnected empathy lesson orchestrated by God in this weird cosmic experiment that is human existence.  Call it karma or divine justice or whatever; our words, language and alignment of syllables could never sufficiently capture something as vast as God or something as big as planet Earth anyway. 

Yes, I am a hypocrite in many ways.  Yes, I have said, thought or done things I said I would never say, think or do. 

But I mean honestly -- who hasn’t experienced this sort of change in his or her own life?  Isn’t this why we need Christ?

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