Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Life of Possibilities

I always said that at the end of my second year at ASU I'd be transferring to Fayetteville.  I wrote it out on notebook paper nailed to my bulletin board under the heading "Tentative College Plan," and told my friends the plan when the topic of ASU came up.  Originally, I didn't even apply to Fayetteville because I basically had my head up my ass and didn't properly or thoroughly address the college application process while I was still in High School.  The only two schools that got applications from me were Belmont and ASU.

But now here I am, having passed my second year at ASU.  I've forged some interesting, meaningful relationships while at school here, and forged a few less than meaningful ones I'd rather forget.  I'm sure this is the way things will be anywhere.

But Fayetteville, for me, is a complete change of scenery.  I've grown up in Jonesboro, lived here for roughly twenty years.  I know the town, I know the mentality, I know the skepticism of it's offering.  Fayetteville is a chance to replant myself, to grow further as a human being, to develop my independence even more than it's been developed thus far.  I'll be living in the Duncan apartments in the heart of the U of A campus with three people I've never met, which is how I got to know two of my best friends at ASU (Alex Myren and Hunter Webb).  I'll be living on my own, finally really away from home, in a new city.

Interestingly, my brother has just completed High School and will be going to college at U of A.  We'll be hitting the campus at exactly the same time.

A lot of you have already heard (because people talk a lot) that I'm maybe thinking about transferring -- well, I'm here, confirming it.  It's happening.  Next semester, I'll be in a whole new city.  I'll miss a lot of people here, but then there are also a lot of pretty boring relationships that I won't miss much at all.  Still, I learned a lot here, about who I am, about what I want, and about what drives me.  And those things I will always value.

ASU, we had some good times.  We often had to get very creative to make those good times happen, but oh well, that probably developed us as creative, thinking human beings.  But off I go, now, to the next chapter of my life.  I have to continue growing.

You dig down, underground now 
Through the soil, through the cooling clay 
As the din fades above you 
You're moving 
You're secret 
You're nowhere 
It's all good 

And no lights lead you onwards 
And no signs point you on your way 
Just earth in all directions 
It's endless 
It's mapless 
No compass 
No north star
You're gone 'cause they can't find you 
You're lost 'cause they don't know the way 
They blame themselves they blame each other 
They're angry 
They're sorry 
They're worried 
You don't care 

The shovels scrape somewhere up there 
They just want to know if you're okay 
Their morse code, tapped with hammers 
You hear it 
You know it 
Ignore it 
You're on your way 

But at some point, oh, you've gotta come up for air 
You wipe the rocks and mud and dirt out of your hair 
You're blind and queasy, with a growing sense of despair 
You don't know anyone 
You look around yeah, trying to find someone you know 
You put your hand up in the air 
You kinda wave, "hello" 
But if they do care, oh, they're not letting it show 
This can't be new to you 

There's a feeling coming back 
Connected by one thread 
It's pulling at your hands like a spider web 
Like a kite that isn't there
If it's a life of possibilities 
That pulls you away 
That claws and tears 
And challenges you to stay, well, then 
If it's a life of possibilities 
That you've gotta live 
Well, don't be surprised when they don't remember you 
Or simply don't want to, yeah yeah yeah 


  1. woah, congrats man! i never had the balls to transfer . . . i did a semester at Oklahoma State (with the NSE program), but that was it. i was too comfortable with my scholarship. anyways, props to you, bro!

  2. yeah man, the scholarship at asu was one of the only things that tripped me up, but i feel like this is what i need to do to more fully develop as a human being. thanks a lot man!
